The 13 Keys to Winning the White House with the Scholar Who’s Predicted Every President since 1984



Who will become the next president of the United States? It’s a question that’s stumping even the most seasoned pundits. Luckily, American University’s Distinguished Professor of History Allan Lichtman is offering a tried-and-true formula that has correctly predicted every presidential election outcome since Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re-election. In 1991, Lichtman and coauthor Ken DeCell published The 13 Keys to the White House (Madison Books, 1991), a book laying out the 13-key forecasting system initially developed in 1981 by Lichtman and renowned mathematician Vladimir Keilis-Borok. They developed the keys based on their analysis of trends in presidential campaigns since 1860. The 13 keys are simple to use: if 8 or more of the 13 keys are true for the incumbent party, its candidate will win the election—but if fewer than 8 are true, the challenger will win. Like all USCHS programs, this webinar is free and open to the public; registration is required.