Steam Diplomacy: Sending a Subtle Message in Leutze’s Westward Ho!

Wednesday, Nov. 14.

The U.S. Capitol Historical Society will present Steam Diplomacy: Sending a Subtle Message in Leutze’s Westward Ho! a lecture by U.S Capitol Historical Society Fellow, John Laurence Busch on November 14, 2018. The presentation is free and open to the public, although pre-registration is requested. The lecture begins at noon on November 14 and will be held in Ketchum Hall of the VFW Building at 200 Maryland Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002.

Busch will examine Leutze’s work “Westward, the Course of Empire Takes it’s Way.” The final painting done by Leutze in the Capitol which appears above the southwestern steps to the House gallery. He will explore how this painting may be an example of “steam diplomacy.”

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