Save the Date! Fall 2019 Book Talks and Lectures

The U.S. Capitol Historical Society has a robust slate of talks planned for the fall months. All are free and open to the public! Stay tuned for more details about the following:


Book Talk Series

  • Charles Calhoun speaking about the U.S. Grant administration (Sept. 18)
  • Chuck diGiacomantonio speaking about Rep. George Thatcher (Sept. 25)
  • Bob Levey speaking about his Washington Post-set novel (Oct. 2)


Learn more about this series. The book talks will be held at Ketchum Hall, 200 Maryland Ave. NE; Washington, DC 20002.



Lectures on Art and History

  • Lee Pollock (Churchill Center) on Churchill and Congress (Oct. 23)
  • Jacquelyn McDonald (Capitol Fellow) on Sam Houston’s Capitol Hill statue (Nov. 6)
  • Don Hawkins (historical cartographer) on Peter L’Enfant (Nov. 13)
  • Ken Bowling (independent historian) on North Carolina’s copy of the Bill of Rights (Dec. 11)


All events run from noon to 1 pm and will be held at a Capitol Hill or Foggy Bottom location. Pre-registration is requested and will open soon. Check back often for more details!

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