Dontai Smalls
Chair, USCHS Board of Trustees
David Regan
Treasurer, USCHS Board of Trustees
National Automobile Dealers Association (Retired)
Jeanne de Cervens
Secretary, USCHS Board of Trustees
Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
The Honorable Jane L. Campbell
President/CEO, United States Capitol Historical Society
Donald G. Carlson
Immediate Past Chair, USCHS Board of Trustees
Jan Schoonmaker
Assistant Secretary, USCHS Board of Trustees

Andy Blunt
Husch Blackwell Strategies
Paul Boykas
PepsiCo (Retired)
Meredith Broadbent
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Marc Cadin
Scott Cosby
Alice Valder Curran
Hogan Lovells
Lee Dunn
Google Cloud
Akram Elias
Capital Communications Group, Inc.
Ron Elving
Sam Fulwood, III
American University (Retired)
The Honorable Chuck Hagel
24th Secretary of Defense and former U.S. Senator from Nebraska
Mary Moore Hamrick
Political Quotient Advisors, LLC
John R. Haskell, Ph.D.
Library of Congress (Retired)
Betsy Wright Hawkings
Article One Advisors, LLC
James Head
Mark Hopkins
Chicago Central Area Committee
Olivia Igbokwe-Curry, Esq.
Amazon Web Services
Ann Jablon
Capitol Counsel
Martha S. Jones, Ph.D., J.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Shahira Knight
Deloitte LLP
Shannon McGahn
National Association of Realtors
Joyce Meyer
American Council of Life Insurers
The Honorable Lorraine Miller
35th Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives
Freddy Mitchell
Wells Fargo
Laura Murphy
Laura Murphy & Associates
Neil Naraine
International Paper
Derek Naten
Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
Michael Shane Neal
Portrait Artist
Ashli Palmer
Resolution Public Affairs
Shawn Parry-Giles, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
Craig Purser
National Beer Wholesalers Association
The Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ed.D.
Former U.S. Representative from Florida
Robert A. Rusbuldt
Rusbuldt & Associates
Allison Starmann
American Chemistry Council
Paul Teller, Ph.D.
Advancing American Freedom
James A. Thurber, Ph.D.
American University (Retired)
Emeritus Trustees:
Kenneth Bowling, Ph.D.
The George Washington University (Retired)
Michael C. Quinn
Museum of the American Revolution (Retired)
Connie Tipton
International Dairy Foods Association (Retired)
Congressional Advisory Group:
The Honorable Kat Cammack
United States Representative, Florida
The Honorable Tom Cole
United States Representative, Oklahoma
The Honorable Gerry Connolly
United States Representative, Virginia
The Honorable Virginia Foxx
United States Representative, North Carolina
The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator, Minnesota
The Honorable John B. Larson
United States Representative, Connecticut