The VFW Building, Maryland Avenue
The Society is located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. We work in the same building and floor where Chief Justice Earl Warren led the commission that investigated the Kennedy assassination and issued the Warren Report.
Contact Us!
U.S. Capitol Historical Society
200 Maryland Avenue NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
P: (202) 543-8919 and the extension listed below.
Please contact yvaronis@uschs.org
or call (202) 543-8919 ext. 11.

Jane L. Campbell, the first woman elected Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, now serves as the President/CEO of the United States Capitol Historical Society. Prior to her election as Mayor, Campbell served as county commissioner for Ohio’s largest county, six terms in the Ohio House, and a term on the Regional 90 DRAFT Transit Authority Board. She focused on economic development, fiscal stability, child welfare, and health and human services. She established Ohio’s first Brownfield Loan program and played a key role in financing Cleveland sports stadiums. Recognized as the 2000 Public Official of the Year by Governing Magazine, Campbell’s leadership extends to her work with Senator Mary Landrieu, where she led efforts in disaster recovery and health care policy. Her Senate roles focused on small business support, women’s entrepreneurship, and bipartisan policy partnerships. Campbell also serves on the boards of the Lincoln Land Policy Institute and the Faith and Politics Institute and is the proud mother of two accomplished daughters and a grandmother.
Programming and Support
Phone: 202-543-8919 ext. 37
Email: sholliday@uschs.org
Steve Livengood, Chief Guide and Public Historian: x17
Caren Cannon, Executive Assistant: x10
Vincent Gonzalez, Public History Manager: x27
Phone: 202-543-8919 ext. 20
Email: jdeitz@uschs.org
Eric Denyer, Education Specialist: x22
Katey Ryan, Public History and Development Specialist: x16
Development and Communications
Phone: 202-543-8919 ext. 23
Email: cclark@uschs.org
Phone: 202-543-8919 ext. 29
Email: jtaylor@uschs.org
Vince Scott, Operations Manager: x24
Joe Holliday Fulfillment Clerk: x35
Sharron Randolph, Fulfillment Clerk: x35
Senior Advisors
USCHS Finances:
About Us

Discover the heart of American history with the U.S. Capitol Historical Society! Founded in 1962, the U.S. Capitol Historical Society has proudly worked to preserve and share the history of the Capitol, the Congress, and the people who work therein. As a nonpartisan, educational 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the Society was chartered by Congress in 1978, in part, “to foster and increase an informed patriotism.” In service of this mission, the Society conducts historical tours of the Capitol Building, hosts both virtual and in-person public history programming, publishes scholarly research in various aspects of Capitol History, coordinates a digital civics education resource hub for teachers, manages a renowned civics education field trip program for Title I D.C. public school students, and commissions works of fine art for the Capitol collections.