New Weekly Series Continues: Lunch Bites with Steve and Jane

headshot of Steve Livengood

The U.S. Capitol Historical is inaugurating a weekly online series so that we can continue to bring you scintillating history, little-known details, and thought-provoking conversations during the current coronavirus-related shutdown. “Lunch Bites with Steve and Jane” will feature a new topic of conversation each Thursday at noon EDT. Steve Livengood, chief guide at the U.S. […]

Online Lunchtime Lecture with USCHS Chief Historian

portrait of Thomas Paine

On Wednesday, April 29, 2020, the U.S. Capitol Historical Society presents a noontime lecture with our chief historian, William “Chuck” diGiacomantonio. Join us for an online take on our ongoing lunchtime lectures. We’ll still meet at noon, spend about an hour together, have a presentation, and engage in Q&A. And this event is still free […]

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